Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Temporary fame and clutter

Where to start? I have spent the past week trying to get my house in order, and Easter has been a blur. I recently was asked by a magazine if they could do an article on me and my house. All very glamorous, and wonderful publicity as I have an exhibition coming up, but during the past weeks preparations I have been anything but glamorous. I have been dragging boxes of stuff that I have been lugging around for years and putting them under the bed for lack of cupboards, scrubbing floors, polishing furniture, and massively decluttering. Wheezing and sneezing from the dust, antihistamines and alcohol have been my saving. And a lot of hot cross buns! Even the teenager got on board and cleaned her room. This is truly a miracle. I was up until midnight polishing floorboards, but it all finally came together as in desperation I threw the last of my desk clutter in the car. We are short on storage. In the process I discovered things I'd forgotten about, and things I can do without. It has made me think about decluttering on a broader scale, and how much 'baggage' we cart around with us, and how to go about decreasing it.

Still, it all went well, the photographer was happy and the stylist found plenty to play with, and from what I could see they made it look a lot better than it really is! I'm enjoying it while it lasts, it does feel good. I feel like I can never get everything that needs doing done, and housework is pretty low on the list. Sorting and tossing out some of those unpacked boxes is even lower. Painting, studying, parenting, and generally trying to keep it all together is about all I can manage. Oh, and the eternal quest for Mr Darcy!

On the man front, there have none with white socks ;) but the ex-husband did appear and did a couple of little jobs around the house for me. I assume this is his way of apologising for being so rude to me a few weeks ago. The potential boyfriend has lent me a couple of interesting things for the shoot, and still seems very happy to see me when he does. I just wish it could be a bit more often. I have been trying to shift my focus and to be more open to meeting other men, but lose the will to do so when I do see him. I am craving closeness and intimacy.

Back to painting, and more openings tonight.


  1. No white socks eh?! Glad you are getting on well with PB (potential boyfriend). Sounds like he might be worth waiting for.

    I'm intrigued by the magazine shoot...which mag or are not inclined to say? I'd also love to know more about your art - I buy original art when I have money and opportunity. Usually one piece a year.

  2. The PB definitely doesn't wear white socks, and actually dresses well, casually cool, not too tidy, 5 0'clock shadow, just my type! I've asked him out, and we are going to do something next week. It's a start...sigh!

    It's great to hear that you buy art. It makes me sad when I see prints on peoples' walls, when for the same or less money they could buy something from an emerging artist, or a limited edition print by an established artist, and support living artists. Reproductions lose their value the minute they leave the shop/'gallery'.

    Re the mag, I am new to blogging, and still trying to work it out, but enjoy the anonyminity - I can vent about the teenager, the ex and his girlfriend, and life in general, all very cathartic!
