Sunday, October 4, 2009

In the Deep End!

Call me petty, immature even, but what is with women who go to water aerobics exercise classes and don’t want to get their hair wet? I know it can be a pain having to dry your hair afterwards, and can discolour highlights, but really, if you’re that fussed about your ‘do’ maybe a land-based form of exercise might be an idea? Or God-forbid, invest in a bathing cap? It isn’t necessary to get drenched, but some splashing should be tolerated as inevitable.

I attend such a class regularly, mainly in order to keep somewhat trim, enough so that I can eat and drink as much as I like, the fitness is a just a perk! But, there is always one, isn’t there? ‘Duck-bum’ also attends regularly, and obviously has a weekly set at the hairdressers. It is so coiffed I swear it wouldn’t move in a hurricane. And she does not like me, or rather my enthusiasm for the class. Inevitably we end up next to each other, and goaded by her tutting and huffing, I have become even more enthusiastic, and oops, occasionally her hair gets a light splash! Why this amuses me so much I am not sure, but clearly she does not share my sense of humour! Am I being over-the-top?


  1. No, not over the top, just plain evil.

    Anyway, perhaps it's not her hair...perhaps it's a helmet?

  2. Hi, just wondered how things were with you? I've been taking a break from blogging but will be returning soon. Hope you're ok.

  3. Thanks,I am well, and you have prompted me to put up a new post. How are things going with you?
