Thursday, November 12, 2009

On being smitten

I admit it. I am completely smitten. It's ridiculous, but I have a schoolgirl crush on the Paying Guest. I blush, trip over my words, squeak, and generally fumble about. I'm sure that he thinks I'm completely mad. Fortunately he is away for a few days, so I will try to collect myself and regain some composure.

But it has made me rethink men. More specifically what is it that attracts us? I know we compiled a fantastic list of the things that we DON'T fancy in men (see the lovely notSupermum for the complete Harry High-Pants No-No List), but what are the things that DO attract us?

Clearly in my case I have thrown all, or most, of my tick-list out the window on this one. The PG is not George Clooney, or Johnny Depp. He is dishevelled, bumbling, pudgy and should seriously rethink his sideburns. But he is kind, funny, intelligent and interesting. He is passionate about food and the cooking, eating and ethics of it, and has chosen to abandon a 'sensible' career in order to follow his passion. I think I fell whilst watching him cook, mixing the salad with his hands. Talk about sexy.

So, what really turns us on? For starters I propose the following:
  • Good personal hygiene. Not obsessive, just clean and nice-smelling
  • Kindness
  • Humour
  • A passion for something
  • A good smile
  • A good mind
  • (a new personal favourite) the ability to cook
I could go on with the more superficial items such as crumpled linen shirts NOT tucked in, and dark jeans, but I am more curious at my own abandonment of the things I thought usually matter. It's certainly been food for thought.


  1. I knew it! That's a really interesting post, because even though we think we know what we like in a man we often find it changes when we meet someone new. Hmm...I'm going to think about this for a couple of days before I pick it up on my blog. Thanks.

  2. Thanks! Curious stuff, isn't it? I look forward to your thoughts, I'm still trying to work it out.

    In the meantime I am in the delicious position of wondering whether or not there IS something happening.
