Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Birthdays and boyfriends

Having just had a birthday, it suddenly struck home that I only have 364 days left as a ‘forty-something’ woman. Yes, I am staring down the barrel of The Big One. And I am nervous. There is so much still to do, and somewhere on this list is finding a suitable man.

I had a lovely birthday, a family dinner with the ex-husband and friends, lunch with the ex-boyfriend (still gorgeous, but still gay), and lots of texts and calls from friends near and far. But I still sleep alone, and I am ‘so over it’ as the teenager says.

A plan is needed, a list of things to accomplish before The Big One. I plan to dream big.


  1. First of all belated Happy Birthday to you! I'm glad you had such a good one, and you're doing well to be able to have an enjoyable dinner with your ex-husband.

    It's funny how certain birthdays seem to concentrate the mind. So, you have a whole year before you hit the Big One. I can't wait to hear about your plan. Btw, I'm going to be 50 next year....

  2. Thank you!! It was fabulous, and seems to have been on-going, another dinner with friends last night, I feel so spoilt.

    Yes, It does make you re-think where you're heading, and I feel a certain anxiety to make it a good year. THAT birthday ahead seems such a milestone. Sounds like you'll be able to tell me how it is, first?!! ;)

  3. Hmmm, I'm afraid my 40th wasn't a sparkling success (my marriage was pretty much in tatters around that time) so I can't pass on any advice. I intend to make a better attempt at celebrating my 50th though!

    I'm sure you'll make the next year memorable. good luck.
