The lovely and helpful notsupermum has tagged me, so please bear with me as I do my best to answer the following, my first go as a newbie blogger, with my own bonus question!
What are your current obsessions?
Apart from cheese which is a perpetual obsession (washed rind, or any form of goats cheese being my favourites), I am currently into detail. Noticing the small things I often pass by.
What's for dinner tonight?
Oysters, (it's a treat, I've been to the market today), champagne (celebrating my child-free week), and Ribollita that's currently simmering away, courtesy of the River Cafe cookbook.
What's the last thing you bought?
A new skirt (all my clothes are falling to bits), and a hugely expensive paintbrush, which I am terrified of ruining.
What are you currently listening to?
Mazzie Starr, and some old Joan Armatrading, which brings back loads of happy memories! And a bit of Keith Jarrett piano music..... and always a bit of Van Morrison, especially his Astral Weeks album . Can I keep going? I've been enjoying Portishead's Glory Box as well.
What are your favourite holiday spots?
Paris, Umbria and Vietnam. Or any quiet country town at least an hour away from home. I haven't had a holiday for a while.
What are you reading now?
Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility, and Gaston Bachelard's Poetics of Space. I read a lot as part of my studies, but not all of it is that pleasurable. The last novel I enjoyed was Eat, Love, Pray, by Elizabeth Gilbert.
Use 4 words to describe yourself?
Optimistic, creative, awkward, compassionate.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Champagne, and salt & vinegar crisps.
If you could change anything about your life so far, what would it be?
That I'd trusted my instincts more. But I really wouldn't want to change anything today, other than maybe find a gorgeous, loving partner.
What do you fear the most?
(Apart from an inexplicable fear of falling off a container ship out at sea in the dead of night, with freak waves rising!), losing my daughter. Not that I expect to.
What's on your bedside table?
A bedside light, six books ranging from art theory to poetry, a phone charger, a box of matches and a tea-light candle, an alarm clock radio that kills me by going off unexpectedly from time to time (especially on Sundays), and several hair elastics. A water glass and a box of tissues. And a tiny painting from the once-potential boyfriend.
What's the best thing you ate or drank recently?
Contemporary Turkish food - my friends took me out for my birthday to a gorgeous muffin of a restaurant, with simple but amazing food. Lots of small plates of yummy dishes. I ate far too much and loved every minute of it!
What work of art, piece of music, sight, book or film has most moved you?
(This is the question I have added to the list)
I once saw the Rothko Chapel in Houston. I didn't cry as some reportedly do, but I was in awe. I first saw the Great Pyramid for the first time at dusk, from very close by as I opened the shutters in my bedroom, and its size and closeness literally took my breath away. Some music has moved me to tears.
I haven't a big list of blogs I follow as yet, but over to you, Mrs. Jane Doe of A Well-Kept Home
What are your current obsessions?
Apart from cheese which is a perpetual obsession (washed rind, or any form of goats cheese being my favourites), I am currently into detail. Noticing the small things I often pass by.
What's for dinner tonight?
Oysters, (it's a treat, I've been to the market today), champagne (celebrating my child-free week), and Ribollita that's currently simmering away, courtesy of the River Cafe cookbook.
What's the last thing you bought?
A new skirt (all my clothes are falling to bits), and a hugely expensive paintbrush, which I am terrified of ruining.
What are you currently listening to?
Mazzie Starr, and some old Joan Armatrading, which brings back loads of happy memories! And a bit of Keith Jarrett piano music..... and always a bit of Van Morrison, especially his Astral Weeks album . Can I keep going? I've been enjoying Portishead's Glory Box as well.
What are your favourite holiday spots?
Paris, Umbria and Vietnam. Or any quiet country town at least an hour away from home. I haven't had a holiday for a while.
What are you reading now?
Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility, and Gaston Bachelard's Poetics of Space. I read a lot as part of my studies, but not all of it is that pleasurable. The last novel I enjoyed was Eat, Love, Pray, by Elizabeth Gilbert.
Use 4 words to describe yourself?
Optimistic, creative, awkward, compassionate.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Champagne, and salt & vinegar crisps.
If you could change anything about your life so far, what would it be?
That I'd trusted my instincts more. But I really wouldn't want to change anything today, other than maybe find a gorgeous, loving partner.
What do you fear the most?
(Apart from an inexplicable fear of falling off a container ship out at sea in the dead of night, with freak waves rising!), losing my daughter. Not that I expect to.
What's on your bedside table?
A bedside light, six books ranging from art theory to poetry, a phone charger, a box of matches and a tea-light candle, an alarm clock radio that kills me by going off unexpectedly from time to time (especially on Sundays), and several hair elastics. A water glass and a box of tissues. And a tiny painting from the once-potential boyfriend.
What's the best thing you ate or drank recently?
Contemporary Turkish food - my friends took me out for my birthday to a gorgeous muffin of a restaurant, with simple but amazing food. Lots of small plates of yummy dishes. I ate far too much and loved every minute of it!
What work of art, piece of music, sight, book or film has most moved you?
(This is the question I have added to the list)
I once saw the Rothko Chapel in Houston. I didn't cry as some reportedly do, but I was in awe. I first saw the Great Pyramid for the first time at dusk, from very close by as I opened the shutters in my bedroom, and its size and closeness literally took my breath away. Some music has moved me to tears.
I haven't a big list of blogs I follow as yet, but over to you, Mrs. Jane Doe of A Well-Kept Home
Oysters and champagne? I hope someone gets the benefit of them.
ReplyDeleteGreat answers, it's nice to learn a bit more about you and what makes you tick.
I hope you don't mind, but I've given you an award on my blog.
Thank you!!!! An award for blathering away! I look forward to seeing it, or am I being (more of) an idiot and just not finding it??
ReplyDeleteThe oysters and fizz were just for me, very decadent and indulgent but I'm enjoying the break!