Friday, June 5, 2009

Date update

Well I have done it. I have been out on my first date for six months, with a man who appears to like me, and wants to see me again!

Once the teenager recovered from the fact that someone would actually want to take her mother out, she was full of advice. This included a list of things not to mention, such as the cat. I had always assumed the cat was fairly harmless, but apparently not, and the mere mention of him could wreak untold damage on my potentially budding relationship. Who'd have thought it? I was also instructed not to give too much away - what? Then there was the old 'don't put all your eggs in one basket' line. Bless, but there are no other 'eggs' at the moment! And what teenager even knows that line these days???

So, a gorgeous date with a kind, cute, and funny man with an interesting job, and a passion for music. Sounds perfect. He finds me interesting and attractive and wants to go out with me. So why am I feeling unsure? I can't work out whether I've been single for so long that I've forgotten how to date, whether I'm looking for that rush of instant attraction that might later burn out, or whether this might be a better start to something that just might last longer?

I had a lovely time, and have said yes to another date next week, so I guess I'll just keep going and get to know him, and see how it unfolds.

Oh, and as to how we met (re last post), I came up with us meeting at an opening, and on the date he surprised me with an invitation from the exhibition I said we'd met at, with his number on it, as back up! He made a special trip to actually see the show before our date, to help 'authenticate' my story! Sweet!


  1. Your daughter sounds like an old soul, full of advice on men! My own teenager-in-waiting is the same, where do they get it all from?

    I'm *very* impressed with the date, and the last paragraph says so much about him. How lovely is he? To make such an effort? You're worth it of course.

    You said yourself that you had 'a lovely time' with a man who sounds really interesting. Take your time to get to know him better. Enjoy your dates with him. Don't look into the future, just enjoy it now. Good luck. I'm sooooo envious!

  2. Great! See new post. Not sure what to do about paying for dinner. I paid this time, he was about to but I took it and said I would as he paid last time. It was a bit expensive, but I don't want him to think that I will always expect him to pay for everything.

    Not sure how to handle this, as I'm not fantastically cashed-up at the moment, always the way before a show. Any thoughts?

  3. Glad it went so well! I think with the paying issue, you could either a) be really honest about it; or b) when it comes to your next date and you want to pay make sure it's somewhere inexpensive - like your place? You like to cook so that would be ideal!
