Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tales of the lodger

I suspect this blog may turn to regular tales of the lodger, and I wonder how long he will last. So far he shows remarkable patience and good humour, bless. On his first night the cat peed on his clothes. On the second, in his shoes. He now knows to put them away.

Last night at dinner I failed to notice that one of the candles had burnt down to stumps, and the table was on fire! And the cat threw up next to us, for good measure. Fawlty Towers? I can't wait to see what happens next!


  1. Hmmm....I wonder why you didn't notice the candles burning down? What were you doing? Is the lodger good looking by any chance? Tell me more about him!

  2. Ha ha! I was a bit distracted. We were actually having dinner, and wine.... as you know there has been a bit of a drought in the love-life since the disaterous Blind Dates, so it would be inevitable that with a wine or two I would find any man sitting eating dinner with me, attractive. He isn't George Clooney, but is very sweet and funny. And kind of cute in a awkward sort of way. Of course the thought of having more than dinner does cross my mind, and I would imagine it would his too - two single people, dinner, wine, I'd be surprised if it didn't. But I can hardly make any move that way as landlady, and possibly he feels the same as paying guest! Or maybe he just likes the company, but would otherwise retch at the thought of anything more with me?!?

    Oy vey.
