Sunday, August 9, 2009

Blind Date No.2 (or my inner hussy!)

The past week has been a blur of socialising, far too much alcohol and not enough writing, as the thesis requires some serious attention. But is has been fun!

Blind Date No. 2 turned out to be a lot more interesting than No.1. A bit on the old side for me at 55, but boyish looking, with the body of a 4o year old. Seriously fit! How do I know this? Blame my inner hussy but when he offered to stay and help with the washing up, he stayed! One of the perks of The Teenager being away,and I'd be mad not to make the most of it. It was great fun, but I doubt it will go any further than that, especially as he lives in a different city and regularly travels to far-flung places as part of his work. Still it has inspired me to give the Internet another go - I could do with a bit more of this!

Last night I went to a party for a visiting artist, drank far too much, and attempted to ride my bike home. Big mistake! I almost made it home when a lamppost leapt out at me causing a very inelegant tumble. I am now sporting a large red raw knee and some interesting yellow bruising up my leg and bum, which is already threatening to turn purple. Worse, the chain came off my bike, and I had to walk it home, in extremely high heels. At least it happened after the date!

Back to the thesis,



  1. You're a trollop - and I'm sooooo envious!! Glad you had a great date with him - he sounds very interesting, and fun!

    I apologise, but the bit about the lamp post and the bike had me laughing out loud! Hope you're ok though.

  2. Total trollop and proud of it!! He is really interesting but sadly not The One. Pity. I wish I knew what made it right but it seems to be a case by case scenario.

    I hope you are making the most of your temporary singledom (is that a word?!?)and putting yourself out and about a bit?

    It's ok I have been laughing about The Bike Incident myself - too ridiculous, the teenager's only been gone a few weeks and already her mother is lying in the gutter smashed! I am ok, bit stiff, and the bruises are developing nicely!!

  3. HI there, just wanted to say thanks for your very kind comment on my blog. It really does mean a lot to me. thanks x

    p.s. anymore dates?

  4. Nooo, no more dates as yet, but a near miss! Will update blog in next couple of days. Hope you're ok, it must be totally consuming at the moment.

    Look after yourself. xx
